Lunar calendar Dara

Lunar calendar Dara

Lunar calendar Dara for iOS 다운로드

Lunar calendar Dara for Android 다운로드

Lunar calendar Dara 에 대한 설명

Lunar calendar DaraUniversal lunar calendar with recommendations for every day.
For any location the program calculates the phases of the moon, the exact time of the lunar days and the position of the moon in the signs of the zodiac.
Based on this data are made the recommendations for every day – beauty tips for women, business advices, gardening, working with dreams, featured meditation, etc.
The program has three modes of display of the information – detailed for the current day, deployed for the week and in the form of the standard calendar for a month
Also, there is a mode of viewing detailed information for each lunar aspect separately.
Provides fine-tuning the location based on GPS data.
The app is optimized for both iPhone and iPad.

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